HVM Rising Arm Barriers

The market offers a comprehensive range of independently tested HVM Rising Arm Barriers with vehicle halting performances ranging from 3.5t vehicles travelling at 48kph (30mph) to 7.5t vehicles travelling at up to 80 kph (50mph).

Rising Arm Barriers are not usually considered to provide HVM performance in a temporary (without foundations) situation and so should only normally be considered as part of a permanent solution.

HVM Rising Arm Barriers are particularly suitable when it is impractical to put a foundation in the road surface as the foundations are either side of the road way. They offer a more discreet, traditional, style of barrier controlled access – whilst still providing a very high level of physical protection against vehicles being used as a weapon. They can be continuously operated with a high level of duty cycling available and at speeds of operation that are much faster than most gates. They are available with drop and full height skirts to deter pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicycles from taking shortcuts under or over the barrier but are not normally considered to be a genuine anti-intruder product such as fences or gates.

Subject to the control logic utilised, Rising Arm Barriers lend themselves well to being incorporated into interlocking systems (they can be designed to operate in conjunction with each otherwhere their functions are mutually dependent). They can also be interconnected with safety systems and communication systems.

Rising Arm Barriers are ideal in some circumstances to create an airlock – a two stage verification system, where a vehicle is allowed access into a holding area protected by a combination of HVM blocking systems. This enables further vehicle/driver checks at the perimeter of the site prior to being authorised entry. This reduces the risk of compromising the site’s security, whilst these checks are made within the holding area with the security personnel kept within the site perimeter.

From a health and safety perspective rising arm barriers generally pose fewer potential hazards in use than other entrance control products, such as gates or road blockers. That said, it is essential that a full site risk assessment is always carried out and which considers all aspects of health and safety in use.

Further information on independently tested HVM Rising Arm Barriers can be found in the searchable product database on this website.

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