Assess your Risk

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The current threat level for International related terrorism in the UK is SUBSTANTIAL. Threat levels, as categorised by the UK security services, are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack:


LOWan attack is highly unlikely
MODERATEan attack is possible but not likely
SUBSTANTIALan attack is likely
SEVEREan attack is highly likely
CRITICALan attack is highly likely in the near future

A common theme in a number of the most recent terror attacks, launched both here in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, has been the use of commonly available vehicles as a weapon.

It is clear, therefore, that as a nation we currently face a daily threat of terrorist action on our shores and that we should anticipate the use of vehicles as part of the future threat.

Anyone responsible for safety and/or security of premises or an event location has a clear duty of care and should therefore, in the current climate of heightened security awareness, be considering the extent to which vehicle or vehicle borne terrorist attacks may be a realistic threat to the people or premises that they are seeking to protect.

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