HVM Gates are available that have been successfully independently tested to the International Impact Test Specification IWA14 stopping 7.2t @ 48kph (30mph), @ 64kph (40mph) and @ 80kph (50mph); and to the British Impact Test Specification stopping 7.5t @ 30mph (48kph), 40mph (64kph) and @ 50mph (80kph).
HVM Gates are primarily a permanent and fixed solution but a few gates are available that can be used in a temporary scenario. Some of these have been impact tested up to 6.8t @ 50 mph (ASTM M50 P1) thereby offering a high degree of impact resistance.
HVM Gates to secure apertures larger than normal entrances (up to 8m) have now been successfully impact tested but these tend to be at lower energies, i.e. 7.2t @ 64kph (40mph).
‘Gates’ is a very generic term when considering HVM as in fact there is a whole range of differing designs available including Sliding Cantilever Gates, Sliding Tracked Gates, Bi-folding Gates, Bi-parting/Folding, Swing/Hinged Gates. Site conditions will dictate what design is best suited for each site. For example, the space available for the opening of the gate will be a factor in gate selection. Sliding Gates require a run back track whereas Hinged/Swing Gates require space to swing open. Tracked Gates require a flat surface for installation of the track whereas Cantilever Gates offer more scope to accommodate slightly sloping ground. If there are issues with creating gate foundations then several types of gate are available that do not require foundations in the roadway, or any foundations at all.
HVM Gates can be the ultimate vehicle safety barrier at a perimeter entry point as they can offer zero or very minimal penetration and can be continuously operated with a high level of duty cycling available.
It is even possible to have an HVM Gate that has been successfully PAS 68 impact tested in the half open position with zero penetration, and remained fully functional. This demonstrates that, even if the gate is attacked by a Hostile Vehicle whilst in operation, the gate will still stop the vehicle.
The choice of which HVM gate to select for a site depends primarily upon the assessed threat and then implementation considerations such as; space available, aesthetics required, operational duty (how many operations will the equipment need to complete) and budget.
As well as the HVM rating the Gate may also have a physical attack rating to LPS1175. With an LPS1175 infill the Gate can also provide protection against manual attack by hostiles on foot.
This will further categorise the product depending on the delay it provides against manual attack from individuals. Ratings are provided by two principal bodies in the UK;
Some HVM Gate designs also offer an infill with a ballistic/blast rating to further categorise them by their resistance to projectiles and explosions.
HVM Gates can be incorporated into interlocking systems where they can operate in conjunction with other HVM/Security products or individually. Gates can also be used to create an airlock – a two stage verification system, where a vehicle is allowed access into a holding area protected by a combination of HVM Products enabling further vehicle/driver checks at the perimeter of the site prior to being allowed full site entry. This reduces the risk of compromising the site’s security, whilst these checks are made within the holding area and the security personnel are kept within the site perimeter. Most HVM Fences and Bollards can be tied in to the gate foundation and or metal gate upright fixed structures to provide continuity of HVM performance.
Health and safety considerations concerning the use of HVM gates will very much depend upon site conditions and operational requirements. A full site survey and risk assessment is therefore always required. Further specific guidance on health and safety in relation to gates is available from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Further information on independently tested HVM Gates can be found in the searchable product database on this website.