We would recommend that any product(s)or solutions selected will match not only the assessed threat but also any realistically anticipated future increase in that threat.
When considering possible solutions it is important to be clear about the requirement in terms of “is it a temporary or a permanent need?”
A temporary solution (eg for one off events) is often best resolved by products and systems that are surface mounted (see also our specific section on temporary solutions).
Permanent solutions will normally require foundations into the ground so an understanding of the depths available for equipment foundations is essential (shallow mounted equipment often come with a premium cost). Understanding how the foundations are to be drained can also essential to avoid subsequent operational issues and in some instances this may require sump pumps linked to existing drains which can add to the complexity of the solution.
In deciding upon a method of HVM it is also prudent to consider any possible ‘knock on’ effects in case of unintentionally creating an operational problem elsewhere.
For example; will the introduction of HVM at a particular point create traffic queuing onto highways, and, if so, how do you mitigate this problem (a queue of traffic can, ironically, be an effective barrier in its own right).
Frequency of operation is another important consideration as the equipment selected should always be robust enough for your intended use. It has to be available when needed and should be capable of continuous uninterrupted operation at the necessary speed (100% duty cycling) if heavy traffic (general or peak) is anticipated.
Further information and advice on product/solution selection can be obtained from: